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Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Department,

Ghaem Medical University Hospital

Facial plastic Surgeon         

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About Dr. Naimi
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Mohammad Naeimi, M.D.

Professor of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences


First Name:          Mohammad

Last Name:           Naeimi

Nationality:           Iranian

Date of Birth:        21/03/1952

Marital Status:      Married

Languages:           Persian, English

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      1981Thesis Surgical treatment of mitral stenosis

           Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 1991; Thesis Neurological origin masses in neck

Postdoctoral Training

         European Board in Facial Plastic Surgery; London 2017

         International Board for certification in Facial plastic surgery 2017

         Fellowship in Rhinology: Miami USA; 1999-2000

         Fellowship in Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: 1998; Iran University

Academic and Administrative Appointments 

  1. European Board in Facial Plastic Surgery; London 2017
  1. International board for certification in Facial plastic surgery
  2. Professor of otorhinolaryngology ((MUMS) from 2014 until now
  3. Associated Professor of otorhinolaryngology ((MUMS) from 2001 until 2012
  4. Editorial board of Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology (MUMS) from 2009 until now
  5. Funder and Director of ear, nose, throat -head & neck surgery research center of MUMS from 2006 until Present,
  6. Assistant Professor of otorhinolaryngology ((MUMS) from 1992 until 2000,
  7. Member of resuscitation committee of Ghaem University hospital (MUMS) from 1988 until 2016
  8. Chief Educational Resident of otorhinolaryngology Department (MUMS) from 1987 until 1988



  1. American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck surgery of USA; Washington; 19 years
  2. Member of American Rhinology society
  3. Member of European academy of Facial plastic surgery; Milan Italy;13 years
  4. Member of Editorial Board of Iranian Journal of otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery
  5. Iranian Society of otorhinolaryngology surgeon; Tehran Iran; 27 years
  6. Iranian Society of surgery; Tehran Iran; 25 years
  7. Research center of otorhinolaryngology of Mashhad university; 10 years
  8. Society of LASER Surgery; Tehran Iran; 20 Years



      43-The Regensburg Conference of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery- Panasian Academy  of Facial Plastic Surgery-and Canadian of Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.12-15 Sep. 2018, Germany

Lecture presentation

  1. Breathing distress, Cham ran Hall, Mashhad, 1994
  2. Thyroid & parathyroid surgery Landmarks, Cham ran Mashhad,1994
  3. Surgical anatomy of neck, Cham ran, Mashhad, 1994
  4. Bronchial Cysts & cleft, Cham ran, Mashhad, 1994
  5. Contact Endoscopy in Head & Neck tumor; Cham ran, 1994
  6. LASER in Otolaryngology, Cham ran, Mashhad ,1994
  7. Laryngeal fracture, 4th congress in otolaryngology Head & Neck surgery Tehran Iran, 1996
  8. Surgical anatomy of Ear, Cham ran Mashhad, 1996
  9. Speech rehabilitation by talking tube, 6th congress in otolaryngology Head & Neck surgery Tehran Iran,1998
  10. Important point in septorhinoplasty-complications & special technique, Mashhad, Chamran,2000
  11. Tracheal stricture, Mashhad, chamran,2000
  12. Mucocilliary dysfunction, Ebnesina Mashhad, 2004
  13. Physics of MRI, Mashhad, Cham ran ,2004
  14. Endoscopic surgery, Iranian surgery Congress Mashhad;2004
  15. Endoscopic Brow lift, Iranian surgery Congress Mashhad;2004
  16. Yes, or No in rhinoplasty, Mashhad Iran,2005
  17. Powered Endoscopic sinus surgery, Ebnesina Mashhad,2005
  18. Sinusitis (diagnosis& Treatment), Cham ran Mashhad, 2005
  19. Diagnostic diagram in otolaryngology, Como Italy,2006
  20. CSF Rhinorrhea as complication of Sino nasal tumor, Cham ran Mashhad,2008
  21. Endoscopic Approach to Frontal recess,1 Rhino logic congress Tehran,2009
  22. Laser in E.N.T., Pandi Hall, Mashhad,2009
  23. Live surgery Antrochoanal polyps First Sym. FESS and Sinus, Operating room& Pandi Hall Mashhad,2010
  24. Live surgery for Antrochoanal surgery, Mashhad university, 2010
  25. Profiloplasty in Rhinoplasty, Razi Hall Iran university Tehran, 2011
  26. Complication in Rhinoplasty, Second sym.in FESS and Rhinoplasty, Mashhad university,2011
  27. Secondary Rhinoplasty; Hashmi Nejad Hall Mashhad Imam Reza Hospital,2011
  28. Open or closed rhinolpasty; The third international rhinology congress of Iran held by Iranian Rhinology Society,2011
  29. Secondary Rhinoplasty; Hashmi Nejad Hall Mashhad Imam Reza Hospital;2012
  30. How we approach to saddle nose deformity, Hashmi Nejad Hall Mashhad Imam Reza Hospital, 2012
  31. Minimally invasive surgery in otolaryngology, The 3th international Congress of Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, 2012
  32. Moderator of revision rhinolpasty, Hashmi Nejad Hall Mashhad Imam Reza Hospital, 2012
  33. Orbit and Optic nerve decompression; Non invasive surgery congress (Pardisan Hotel Mashhad, 2012
  34. primary Rhinoplasty; Imam Khomeini Hospital Tehran university Iran, 2013
  35. Tip Rhinoplasty, 20th IFOS world Congress June 2013 Seoul Korea, 2013
  36. Thick skin Rhinoplasty, 4th international congress of rhinolpasty, Tehran Razy Hall, 2013
  37. Primary Rhinoplasty; Aria Hospital Mashhad Iran, 2014
  38. 38-Experienced challenging cases: Second Shiraz International Rhinology Congress, April 2015
  39. 39-Sattelite Workshop in Botox & Filler Injection; Second Shiraz International Rhinology Congress April 2015
  1. 40-Complication in Rhinoplasty: International Congress Tehran Sep.2015
  2. 41-Expert Panel discussion; Third Shiraz International Rhinology Congress. April 2016
  3. 42Soft Triangle in Rhinoplasty; 6th International Rhinology & Facial plastic Surgery Tehran November 2017
  1. 43-Medical Indication in Rhinoplasty; Imam Reza Hospital Mashhad January 2018

Columella strut graft in Rhinoplasty in 16 international congress of Iranian society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery November 2018

Teaching Experiences

  1. Nose and sinus anatomy. sinusitis, Nose fracture, Nasal deformity Pharynx & Neck anatomy oropharyngeal infection –Indication of adenotonsilectomy Neck space infection. Neck anatomy velopharyngeal insufficiency –Lip Carcinoma-Nasopharyngeal carcinoma/ Medical students/ Associated Professor/ Mashhad university/1992-2013
  2. Grand Round & Journals club/ Medical students & Intern of ENT, Resident of ENT/ Associated Professor/ Mashhad university/1992-2013
  3. Articles Review & Lecture presentation /ENT Intern/Associated/ Professor/ Mashhad university/1992-2013
  4. Practical Methodology of Otorhinolaryngology surgery/ ENT Resident/ Associated Professor/ Mashhad university/1992-2013
  5. Mortality & Morbidity/ Medical students & ENT Intern & ENT Resident/ Associated Professor/ Mashhad university/1992-2013
  6. Skill laboratory/ Medical students/ Associated Professor/ Mashhad university/2006-2013




  1. Diagnostic diagram in otolaryngology. Naeimi. Nashre 1997
  2. Young people with cancer. Naeimi . Mashhad university of medical science 2011



  1. Naeimi M M.D Esthesioneuroblastoma case report. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 12(59-60)1993
  2. Naeimi M M.D Laryngeal trauma report of 14 cases. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.12(42-48)1994
  3. Naeimi M M.D Neglected foreign body in lung. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.21(31-41)1995
  4. Naeimi M M.D Tuberculosis in tonsil. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.19(49-53)1995
  5. Naeimi M M.D A Multiple Hemangioma of bone presenting with mandibular and maxillary protrusion. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.17(45-51)1996
  6. Naeimi M M.D Prolapsed Facial nerve in middle ear. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.16(32-40)1997
  7. Naghib-zade M.D. Naeimi M M.D. surgical techniques for Nasal skin defect repair and report of 58 cases. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.17(57-68)1997
  8. Naeimi M M.D, Naghib-zade M.D. External Ethmoidectomy and research and report of 45 cases. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.20(33-49)1997
  9. Naeimi M M.D, Naghib-zade M.D. Pectoralis Major myocutaneous flap report of 28 cases. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.20(18-26)1998
  10. Naeimi M M.D. Mofateh M. D. Lymphoma of thyroid after Hashimato thyroiditis. . Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.19(57-63)1998
  11. Naghib zade M.D. Naeimi M M.D. A retrospective study of juvenile angiofibroma. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 21(17-25)1995
  12. Mokhtari M.D. Naeimi M M.D Speech rehabilitation laryngectomies using tracheoesophageal puncture and Provox tube. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 26(50-58)2000
  13. Naeimi M M. D. Non melanotic skin cancer of head and neck review of 439 cases during last 5 years (1372-1376) from Omid and Ghaem hospital. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery .28(30-36)2000
  14. Naeimi M M.D, Ghasemi MM MD. Survey of ENT Laser surgery. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 28(37-43)2000
  15. Naeimi M M.D Naghib-zade M.D. Surgical treatment of acquired subglottic and upper cervical tracheal stenosis by rib cartilage graft compared with other procedures during 1368-1380. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.29(19-29)2004
  16. Naeimi M M. D. Pathologic findings in 114 cases of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.30(3-7)2004
  17. Naeimi M M. D. outcome of 143 patients with chronic sinusitis treated with functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery .36(18-33)2004
  18. Naeimi M M. D, Bakhshaee M M.D. The Major obstructive inflammatory patterns of the sinonasal disease in 200 Candidates of Functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.41(9-14)2005
  19. Naeimi M M. D, Bakhshaee M M. D. Bacterial pattern of chronic rhino sinusitis in FESS candidates and their antibiotic susceptibility in Northeast of Iran. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 38(15-20)2005
  20. Naeimi M M.D, Faraji M M.D Esthesioneuroblastoma. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.42(9-14)2005
  21. Naeimi M M.D, Tabtabaee M M.D Nasal chondromesanchimal  Hamartoma in an adolescent a report of case and review literature . Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.41(19-22)2006
  22. Naeimi M M. D, Ghasemi MM MD. Endoscopic Management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in 11 cases. Iranian journal of surgery.14(48-54)2007
  23. Naeimi M M. D, Seiedi M M. D. The Role of H Pylori in chronic Rhino Sinusitis. Iranian journal of surgery .15(88-93) 2007
  24. Naeimi M M. D, Mokhtari N M. D. Treatment of carotid paragangelioma: review of a 15 years experience. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery.46(163-167) 2007
  25. Naeimi M M.D, Sabzari M M.D The results of management of 47 patients with of Antrochoanal polyps by Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 47(47-50)
  26. Naeimi M M.D, Combined septorhinoplasty &FESS. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 48(83-88)2007
  27. Naeimi M M.D, Sharifi N, Moosavi M.D, Resaee M.D. Laryngeal polyps as the first manifestation of hypothyroidism. A case report. Scientific Medical journal Ahvaz Jundishapur university of medical sciences.54(368-372)2008
  28. Naeimi M M. D, Ghasemi M M. D Sharifian M M. D,Bakhsshaee M M.D .Speech development and auditory performance in children after cochlear implantation. Medical journal of the Islamic republic of IRAN.20(184-191)2008
  29. Naeimi M M.D, Bakhshaee M M.D, Esmaeili H, Razmara N. Esthioneuroblastoma analysis of 11 cases. Scientific Medical journal of Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical science.55(499-504)2008
  30. Naeimi M M. D. Mamadzade, Rezaee M M. D. Adenotonsilectomy a solution for enuresis. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 3(177-182)2008
  31. Naeimi M M.D Bhagheri M M.D Khaboli M Shakeri MT M.D Ghazvini M. Evaluation of the incidence of bacterimia following middle ear operation. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. 54(177-182)2009
  32. Naeimi M M.D Sadrizade A Poorhamze M Noroozi R. Etiologic evaluation of patients with dysphagia admitted to ENT and thorax surgery wards of ghaem hospital,Mashad,Iran. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. (54)2009
  33. Naeimi M M.D. Birjandi A M.D A Report of 11Cases of Pituitary Tumor Surgery by Endoscopic Trans nasal Trans sphenoid Method. Scientific Medical journal Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical science.59(544-564)2009
  34. Naeimi M M. D, Ebdali M. Endoscopic and imaging prevalence of nasal mucosal contact point and association between contact point and sinunasal symptoms. Scientific Medical journal Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical sciences.13(117-12)2009
  35. Naeimi M M.D, Sharifi A M.D, Erfanian Y. M.D, Velaiati A. M.D, Izadian S. MD, Differential diagnosis of malignant neck masses, Result of 10 years’ study. Journal of Saudi Arabia (179-182)2009
  36. Naeimi M M.D, Mamuori G.A. M.D, Boskabadi H M.D, Golparvar S. M.D, Tale M.R, Esmaeili H M.D, Khadem j. M.D. Assessment of aminoglycoside-induced hearing impairment in hospitalized neonates by TEOAE. Indian journal of otolaryngology Head and neck surgery.61(256-261)2010
  37. Naeimi M M.D., Naghib-zadeh M.D. , Mokhtari, Shiri, M.D. , .Surgical treatment for Patients with Tracheal and subglottic  Stenosis. Medical journal of the Islamic republic of IRAN.2010
  38. Naeimi M M.D, Hosini S.M.D. Repair of Head and Face defect with use of pericranial Flap . Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery. (11-21)2011
  39. Naeimi M M.D. Ghasemi M M Arabkhani R Haghjo SH Treatment and outcome of malignant External Auditory Canal and Middle Ear tumor in Ghaem Hospital Mashhad. Scientific Medical journal Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical sciences. (37-43)2011
  40. Naeimi M, Rajati M, Fooladvand T. A broken metallic tracheostomy tube. Iranian Journal Otorhinolaryngology. 69(203-203) 2012
  41. Naeimi M M.D, Elham Azarnoosh , Mohammad Sadegh Javedani  Gholparvar , Mohammad Reza Naeimi. Histopathologic Relationship Between Ethmoid Sinus and Ipsilateral Middle Turbinate in Non-Polyposis Chronic Sinusitis by FESS. Indian journal of otolaryngology Head and neck surgery. (324-328)2013
  42. Naeimi M M.D, Maria Garkaz, Mohammad Reza Naeimi Comparison of the Sino nasal symptoms and the severity of nasal septal deviation and chronic rhino sinusitis disease. Iranian Journal of Otolaryngology H&N Surgery .70(11-15)2013


  1. 84162 – A possible role of H. pylori in chronic rhino sinusitis
  2.  86190 –  Resolution of enuresis after adenotsillectomy in children with adenotonsillar hyperplasia
  3. 84001- A study on aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity in newborns admitted to NICU of Ghaem Hospital by otoacoustic emission
  4. 82053- Antral lavage cultures & antibiogram of aerobic & anaerobic microorganism of the FESS candidates in Ghaem hospital during one-year period
  5. 86305- Evaluation of incidence of bacteremia during middle ear surgery in Mashhad university in2007
  6. 86544 -Assessment of bacterial sepsis effect on the hearing status of the neonates in NICU of Ghaem hospital with OAE and ABR from September 23 ,2007 to March 20 ,2008
  7. 88776 – Symptom and disease severity differences between nasal septal deviation (without endoscopic sinus surgery)and chronic rhino sinusitis (without septoplasty)
  8. 88407 – Correlation between middle turbinate and ipsilateral ethmoid sinus histopathology in patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery due to nonpolyposis chronic sinusitis in Ghaem hospital from Nov 2008-Oct 2009


Awards & Honors

  1. Founder of LASER surgery, ENT Ward of University of Mashad,1998
  2. Founder of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, ENT Ward of Mashhad, University, 1998
  3. Founder of Coablation Surgery in ENT field, ENT Ward of Mashhad, University, 2008

 :Research Interests

  1. Dynamic and esthetic Rhinoplasty
  2. Assessment of Aminoglycoside-induced hearing impairment in hospitalized newborn in ICU Ward of Ghaem hospital by ABR & OAE.
  3. The role H. Pylori in chronic sinusitis.
  1. Bacterial pattern of chronic rhino sinusitis in FESS candidates and their antibiotic susceptibility in Northeast of Iran.
  1. Bacteremia during Mastoidectomy.
  2. The role of adenotonsilectomy on enuresis of children.

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